Friday, July 13, 2012

I feel nothing

Det er lang tid siden jeg sidst bloggede, I know. Har ikke haft nogen fotograf, intet overskud (da jeg skal flytte snart) og så har jeg også været på ferie, men jeg er her altså endnu!
Outfittet er fra i tirsdags, da jeg var i biffen og se The Amazing Spider-man! Superfed film, specielt hvis man er lidt af en superhelte-geek som mig.
Udover det, prøver jeg lidt at slappe af disse dage, skal tage mig sammen til at få indspillet noget musik, og så har jeg også stadig problemer med min fod, som jeg slog for snart 2 måneder siden, fedest.
Men altså, alt i alt, det går fint!!
Forresten er cardiganen ny, købte den i London, samme gælder shorts og sko, dog er de købt i Dublin.

Long time, no see.
I know I haven't blogged in a while by now, but I haven't had a photographer, not much time (as I'm moving soon) and I've been on vacation, but I'm still here!
The outfit is from tuesday. I went to the movies and saw The Amazing Spider-man. Awesome movie, especially if you're a superhero-geek like me.
Besides that, I'm trying to relax these days, have to pull myself together and record som music and I still have problems with my foot, which I hurt like 2 months ago I think, it's great.
But everything's fine!
By the way, the cardigan is new, bought it in London, so are the shorts and the Vans, but bought those in Dublin.

Cardigan - Vintage/Tee - H&M/Shorts - Vintage Levi's/Sneakers - Vans/Bag - Topshop/Sunglasses - Random.

Xox, Rosa